Roarie is personal alarm that you attach to your person and when activated you it lets off a very loud alarm, in order to scare off an attack or get attention.

The Roarie brand is loud, bold and uninhabited. Even though females are the target market, we want the brand to feel fearless and strong and not to overally feminine and soft.

Using bold typography and iconography that represents loud noises, Roarie brand can’t be ignored or pushed around and it’s about reclaiming power with one single device.

We want users to feel stronger, more powerful and more empowered, and the Roarie brand embodies all of the above.



Branding & Strategy
Content Creation


Photography: Studio Bitsy


It was important for us to partner with a female-led business for this project, and we're so delighted we discovered Gabby at Oh Em Gee creative. She saw beyond just our branding goals, and we also felt that she truly shared in our mission to help keep women safer. 

It takes a lot of patience and effort (and revisions!) to launch a brand, and partnering with someone that truly cares about the outcome is essential. No request was ever too much for Gabby, and she went above and beyond for us. Always happily, and with a smile! 

We are so happy with the end result, and look forward to working with Gabby again in future. 

Ready to build your dream brand?